Top Ten Reasons Why You Haven’t Written YOUR Book Yet!

Most everyone wants to write a book – some day.

But that’s the catch.

Instead of writing it NOW, they plan to write their book some day. Some time in the distant future – because as long as the plan is for the future, it’s a nice, safe PLAN.

The trouble is, it isn’t EVER more than a plan until you start writing.

So, why haven’t you written your book if you’ve been planning to write one for years now?

Well, here are a few possible reasons. See which ones sound familiar to you.

can't write a book

1. You have no idea HOW to get started. You wonder if you even KNOW enough about your subject to write a complete book.

2. You’ve collected all sorts of information for your book – notes you’ve written, quotes from experts, etc. – but now you don’t know what to do with it all.

3. You THINK you don’t have time to write the book right now since you can’t devote large chunks of time to working on it.

4. You’re not sure how to structure your book. Should it have sections or chapters? How many chapters should it be? How many pages? Should it include sidebars of information? Charts? Graphs?

5. You don’t think you can explain things clearly enough to readers. How do you make your message simple and easy to understand?

6. You can’t seem to get motivated to write and then STAY motivated to continue writing. This is particularly true if you’ve started your book but just can’t seem to move forward with it.

7. You have trouble with grammar, punctuation, and maybe even spelling, and you get frustrated when you make so many mistakes.

8. You’re not completely sure what a book would do for you – especially if you have to shell out your own money to get it edited, formatted, and published. Why spend money on all that? Will it be worth it?

9. You can’t figure out whether you need to write a book proposal and try to find a traditional publisher for your book or write the book and then self-publish it.

10. It all seems so overwhelming when you realize you will also have to market the book once it’s written and published. Book signings sound like fun. But you really don’t want to have to CALL bookstores yourself to set up these kinds of things.

Any – or ALL – of this sound familiar?

Then relax.

Email me at to find out how to get all the help you need to write your nonfiction book and get it published.

To Your Success,

Your Writing Coach

Write Your Book Now – Three Places to Find the Content for Your Book

If you’re a business professional who wants to write a book, chances are, you already have most or all of the content for that book.

You just might not realize it.

Look for content at these three places and put your book together fast!

write your book

1. Company newsletters, ezines, and other mailings.

If you send out a regular newsletter or ezine to customers or clients, you probably include tips or articles in that publication.

Compile those tips or articles to make a book.

Even if current customers and clients have read this before, if it’s useful information, they’ll probably appreciate having it all together in a single book.

Plus, the information will be completely new to those readers who were not on your customer or client list previously, so they didn’t get your older newsletters or ezines.

2. If you have a blog, and you post articles there regularly, compile those blog posts to make a book.

I did this with recipes and food tips I offered at the site for my gourmet food business, the Three Angels Gourmet Co.

I turned these recipes and food tips into an e-book called 25 Fabulous Food Tips, Recipes, and Ideas for Easy Entertaining.

You can probably do something similar.

3. Have you given speeches or presentations to your target market?

Compile those speeches to make a book for that same target market.

Create a title that pulls all these presentations together under a common theme and you’ve got your book!

As you can see, there are many places to find content for a nonfiction book that will build your business.

For more help writing your nonfiction book, email me at